AdiYogi Voice assistant

Give it a try with 'hi/hello', 'how are you', 'joke', 'coin flip', 'what's your name', 'what time is it', 'bye/stop', ...

You can also try "play despacito" 😄. It will then play on Youtube. Note that, the pop-up may be blocked by your browser

Chat GPT

A language model created by OpenAI called GPT-3.5. My main gig is understanding and generating human-like text based on the input I receive. Ask me anything or throw a topic my way, and let's chat!

Bard AI

Google Bard is a conversational AI chatbot that uses machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and generative AI to understand user prompts and provide text responses.


Playground AI works by leveraging the power of AI (through tools such as Stable Diffusion) to produce images using text prompts.It streamlines the process of image editing.


Gamma is a new platform that allows users to create polished documents, presentations, and webpages in seconds using AI. Its best for presentations in 2min


Bing Chat is an AI-powered assistant that can help you browse the web and much more! You can ask Bing Chat both simple and complex questions;


Leonardo AI offers a full-stack AI image generation platform. It offers various tools to create amazing art and images with just a few clicks.

OpenAI Gym

OpenAI Gym is an environment for developing and testing learning agents. It's best suited as a reinforcement learning agent, but it doesn't prevent you from trying other methods.

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is a cloud-based artificial intelligence tool developed by GitHub and OpenAI to assist users of Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and JetBrains integrated development environments by autocompleting code.


The Future of AI

The future of AI is incredibly exciting and full of potential. Here are a few trends and possibilities:

How to Build AI

How to Build AI explained

Building an AI system involves several key steps and considerations. This guide provides a basic overview.

Understanding the Basics of AI

Before diving into building AI, it's important to have a foundational understanding of key concepts like machine learning, neural networks, and data science.

Choosing the Right Tools and Languages

Common tools and programming languages for AI include Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and others. Choose the one that best fits your project needs.

Gathering and Preparing Data

Data is the backbone of any AI system. Collecting high-quality data and preparing it (cleaning, normalizing, etc.) is crucial.

Designing the AI Model

Decide on the type of AI model that suits your needs. This could be a simple linear regression model, a complex deep learning model, or something in between.

Training the Model

Feed your prepared data into the model to train it. This process involves adjusting the model's parameters to minimize error and improve accuracy.

Evaluating and Testing the Model

After training, evaluate the model's performance with a separate dataset to ensure it generalizes well to new, unseen data.

Implementing the Model

Once satisfied with the model's performance, implement it into your application or use case.

Continuous Improvement

AI models can always be improved. Regularly retrain your model with new data and fine-tune its parameters for better performance.
